At our last Lawrenceville meetup, we discussed how to get the most out of WordCamp Atlanta, and our community really came through with some great suggestions.
WordCamp Atlanta is a safe place for not having to know everything, and being able to learn & improve.

There’s a lot jam-packed into 2 days. For each day, pick the top 3 sessions you really want to go to. Don’t try to do everything & don’t be afraid to take a break.
Naomi and Lizzie

Go to sessions that are the opposite of what you normally do. If you’re not a dev, attend a tech session. If you’re a dev, attend a user, business, or design session.

At lunch, sit next to someone you don’t know. You learn so much from meeting new people. Also: WordCamp is the Disneyland of WordPress

Give yourself a day or two to compress before trying to do everything you’ve learned. Pick one thing to implement.

WordCamp is a great place to make connections. There are a lot of resources and you might meet someone who will make a difference in your business

See you at WordCamp Atlanta!